Somewhere in the jungles of Cambodia, there lies the ruins of an ancient empire. Its builders long moved on, but even in this space-aged modern year of 1973, the stone walls are ever iconic... and wherever in the world are wonders, that's naturally all the more reason to assume a secret spytech facility has been carved out deep inside. And where there's spytech, there's sure to be mercs guarding that spytech that need stomping. Look, people, this is all cold hard logic.
Saxton Hale brought back samples of the region for you to casually use and abuse in your own projects. By that, we mean Hale saw Angkor Wat himself, said "This stuff looks like something a real man would have in his dining room," personally loaded his cargo plane with as much of it as he could grab, returned home, and then said, "What the hell is all this crap in my plane? Get it out of here!" We wouldn't make this stuff up, but now YOU can!
Saxton Hale brought back samples of the region for you to casually use and abuse in your own projects. By that, we mean Hale saw Angkor Wat himself, said "This stuff looks like something a real man would have in his dining room," personally loaded his cargo plane with as much of it as he could grab, returned home, and then said, "What the hell is all this crap in my plane? Get it out of here!" We wouldn't make this stuff up, but now YOU can!

Wooden Lighting PolesWhen you need lighting but you, like, need it waaaay up there. Two heights, 256 HU and 512 HU.
Banyan TreesGrown from wood shockingly immune to axes and rockets. Each comes in two parts (trunk and foliage), nine variants.
Banyan Tree LargeBig trees that boss all the other trees around. Two parts (trunk and foliage) and two sizes.
Banyan Tree HeroAn especially large type of banyan, prone to saving children from fires and stuff. Two parts (trunk and foliage).
BushesPerfect for hiding animals or press reporters. Four variants.
Hanging Tree RootsThey're pretty chill, just hanging around. Four sizes, 144 HU, 256 HU, 288 HU, and 512 HU.
Ornate Closed DoorframeIt's pretty, but being permanently closed doesn't make it much good as a door. Four skins.
Ornate DoorframeWhen walking through a simple door is too pedestrian. Two sizes, four skins each.
Ornate Doorframe WideAn extra wide doorway for those very fat doorway users. Two sizes, four skins each.
Ornate Doorframe Wide BLike the others, only slightly more ornate on top and slightly less skin options. Two skins.
Ornate Single DoorOrnate Single Door Seeking Lovely Doorframe Partner for Providing Egress. Two variants, four skins.
Simple DoorframeA doorframe of simple tastes, that enjoys dynamite, and gunpowder, and gasoline! Three sizes, two skins.
Modular RoofsThese roofs will most certainly not be on fire, but we may still need water. Five pieces, including inner and outer corners, four skins.
Modular Roofs ShortLike the others, only shorter and suited for people who like standing on roofs. Five pieces, including inner and outer corners, four skins.
Rubble BlocksThese blocks fell just short of being a wall. Two sizes, two skins.
Rubble Doorframe PiecesOnce a doorframe that took the song 'I Fall to Pieces' literally. Two skins.
Rubble RocksBetter versions of forest_rock that are actually flat on the bottom! Three variants, two skins.
Stone StairsSupposedly the old inhabitants of these ruins used these instead of elevators and jetpacks. What savages! Fourteen variants.
Spytech StairsSometimes you want the comfort of cold steel beneath your feet rather than old stone. Ten variants.
Buddha Face StatuePut one of these in any area where you want the players to feel silently judged for their bad behaviours. Two variants, two skins.
Stone ColumnsUpright citizens of the wall-holding-up type. Three sizes 128 HU, 168 HU, and 192 HU, and two skins.
Modular Courtyard WallsLike a certain potato chip, these walls have ripples. Seven modular pieces, including corners and stairs. Two skins.
Modular Courtyard Walls LowSame as the others, only shorter with 50% less ripples. Seven modular pieces, including corners and stairs. Two skins.
Modular Windowed Wall FacadeThese walls only hold the illusion of windows. Taunting. Mocking. Seven variants and two skins.
Modular Wall FacadesImagine wallpaper, only made out of stone. Okay, it's nothing like wallpaper. Just put them on your walls and stop trying to overthink it. Seven pieces, including corners, and two skins.
Modular Wall Top FacadesUse these as trim on the top or bottom of your walls. Six pieces and two skins.
Modular Wall CornersUse with the modular walls to cover up the sad fact that lining things up accurately on the Hammer grid mystifies you. Four pieces, two skins.
Skybox Banyan TreesWhat sick man sends little baby trees to forest? Five little versions of the banyan trees.
Courtyard Floor TexturesA variety of courtyard floor tile textures, with blends to concrete, dirt, and grass.
Rubble Blend TexturesConcrete and rubble blend textures.
Facade Wall TexturesMatches the models. Defaults to a scale more usable on 128 HU walls. Use 0.125 scaling to match the models.
And much more... see the thread on for more info.